You are on the web page of the company “BUILDINGSITE” that provides the professional equipment for protecting the hands of the trade mark “MANIPULA PROTECT ” . This page represents a further step of our development in ensuring the safety of people. The development would have been impossible without your feedback, comments and, suggestions on the improving the security solutions. This represents the result of our common efforts focused on the most important thing – the preservation of healthy hands and reducing injuries in the workplace. “ To know the way, you need to go along it ”. We are still at the very beginning of our development. However, we are grateful to everyone who for many years has trusted our products from around the world, as well as to those who discovered us quite recently, but have already been able to appreciate the effectiveness and safety of our hand protection products.
Today, ” MANIPULA PROTECT ” is an English brand of professional hand protection products with a well-defined set of effective solutions to concrete tasks in the field of occupational health and safety. Promoting the utilization of high-quality protecting products that meet the rigorous safety standards, honesty, open dialogue, support, exclusion of compromises when it comes to human health and implementation of best international practices – all are fundamental principles of our Company, leading to concrete results in increasing productivity and ensuring comfort and safety in your working place.
Respectfully yours, The ” BUILDINGSITE ” Company.
Great products at good prices, very helpful personal service, will be recommending to colleagues and definitely using again.